Taking their shirt off
Showing tattoos. screaming and
hoIIering and aII
Got the gift to come up with it
Put it together. FeeI in it...
Get dressed. you idiot.
The guests are about to arrive.
-Good evening.
-Hello. Marta.
-Barbara. how are you?
-Hello. darling.
-Ageing rapidly.
-You look gorg. l love your dress.
-This is so beautiful.
-Do you like it?
Be careful with these...
-You're looking well.
-And the hair!
-Shall we go through?
-Course you know where to go.
Hello. Harriet. Go through.
girls are waiting for you.
Anthony's on his way!
-Anthony Silver?
-Yeah. l think so.
FinaIIy the Iong awaited return of
the Iegendary Anthony SiIver.
He used to fancy me when I was
eight years oId...
and I didn't even have
tits then.
SureIy now. I'd have him just
where I wanted him.
He looks amazing. doesn't he?
ls he deaf?
No. young people today. they've
always got something in the ears.
-ls he looking at me?
Well. if he looks at me. tell me.
Sophie. like you. is very light
whereas my Suzie...
has to wear a
tampon and a pad!
He's looking at you.
Well. better to be safe than
Shall we go through to dinner?