Well. there was that earthquake
in China last night.
Where the fuck is China?
Does Betty from Norwich give a...
flying fuck about Hong Kong
Phooey from China?
Sorry. Ying.
l mean. really?!
lt's just l read on the wires
there's eight thousand dead...
and half a million homeless.
Don't give me the eight thousand
dead shite!
lf one of them was Prince fucking
Philip. then l'd be interested!
Listen we'll do cancer at seven
and after the news we'll do the
psychic who speaks to Elvis. okay?
Who are you anyway?
l'm the new... runner.
Go and do some fucking running
and get me a coffee or something!
ls that for the boss?
No milk...
he'll go mental if it's got
milk in it.
You're not gonna believe this.
They're making me do it in pink!
We specifically said that Breakfast
TV would be in leather ...
and the kids' show would be
in pink. right?
Excuse me. what's this? l asked
for black decaf with no sugar.
-You said with milk.
-Do you know who l am?
When I need cheering up.
I visit nana.
She's not an easy person to Ieave.
even if you're just the gas man.
And she's got some strange habits.
Like taIking to her husband who
died a few years ago.
She aIso keeps her money in her
At Ieast it keeps the muggers
You've hardly had anything.
A big boy like you.
l can wrap it in a little foil
for you.
That's really sweet of you. but...
l've got to get back to work.