Sadie. Iet the boy go.
His famiIy wiII have sent out a
search party.
-He's been here since Tuesday!
-You keep out. mind your business.
Oh. no. madam. no. no.
Here's a little something
for your trouble.
-Hi. nana.
Do you think Nick would have
made a good husband for me?
Nick? Stanley's boy Nick?
How old is he?
He's hardly been wiping his own
tuchus and she's talking marriage!
-He's twenty-five!
-And his business?
He couldn't provide for a cockroach
never mind for my princess.
Drink your soup.
it's getting cold.
His father's got a dry cleaning
business and drives a Jaguar
So marry his father.
He knows the cost of everything
and the value of nothing.
-Do you want a kneidl?
-l'm fine. nana.
What about Anthony? You've
got to admit he's a good catch.
l can't see any reason not
to marry him.
You need a reason to get married.
not a reason not to.
What about your ambitions?
You've got a degree.
Why don't you do something
with it?
A degree in Art History
is not a career.
A degree's a degree!
When l was your age...
a woman had a
degree in gornicht.
Now. life is...
full of opportunities.
Don't throw them away.
-More soup?
-No. thanks.
But Sophie never worked.
She just wanted a husband.
Bubbela. a husband is work.
Sophie will find that out soon
But you've plenty of time.
You'll be fine.
-Here. have a piece of cake.
-Thanks. nana.
lt's all right. darling.
wear some more clothes
next time.