lf you show the merchandise before
the price is agreed...
you'll never make a deal.
Okay. so I wasn't going to rush
into marriage
but when I finaIIy got the caII
from Anthony SiIver.
I mean. he was every Jewish girI's
So I needed a new outfit.
-Loving the outfit.
it's what's inside that counts.
And a quick visit to the only men
in the world...
who reaIIy know how to
satisfy women.
Howard and AshIey Marks. A father
and son team. both straight.
For God's sake. Ashley. get rid of
that frizz!
WouId have made great gays.
And after a hard week's work...
I was desperate for a bIow dry.
Which was maybe kind of wasted.
When I found out Anthony was
taking me to...
'Jews on Ice'.
So. we're thinking about a dill
sauce for the salmon...
maybe with a gooseberry coulis
for the dessert.
l think that sounds fine.
-You don't think it's too heavy?
-Well. that's for Sophie to decide.
What. you don't care what you eat
at your sister's wedding?
lt's still a few months away.
l mean...
l care. l care that my
sister's happy.
That's why it's crucial that these 2
sauces complement each other.
You know the Bergmans?
No. you don't.
l went to their wedding.
they got some amateurs in.
Did this horrible honey and
mustard thing with the salmon.
And this heavy chocolate thing
to follow.
Yeah. that's Miriam.
Anyway. everyone was sick before
the dancing even started.