Well. what do you wanna know?
l mean. it's no big deal.
We went out. we ate.
we came home.
-Anthony Silver is so gorgeous.
-lt's what's inside that counts.
Right. like his colon is more
important than his car.
lf this is a proposal. l'm listening.
Otherwise. fuck off. l'm with girls.
Fuck off.
-l can't believe you did that.
-He calls the whole time...
yet 'he needs his space'.
lt's very embarrassing.
l think something...
Something wasn't right.
I mean. your famiIy are supposed
to drive you insane...
but that day I feIt it from
my best friends.
Was everyone I knew a Iunatic?
I mean. my best friend was about
to sIit her wrists...
because some boring fat-arsed
Iawyer wouIdn't marry her.
And Joanna hadn't eaten a meaI
for eighteen months...
because some boring fat-arsed
Iawyer did marry her.
And when the onIy person Ieft to
reIate to Iooked Iike this...
something had to give.
Now I know a dog is man's
best friend...
but you wouIdn't think of taking
him to the pub for a chat.
UnIess he's your next guest.
Looks like he likes you.
Could you tell him he's not
really my type.
Cats or dogs?
That's a phone-in we shouId
probabIy consider.
Maybe next week.
Say. Tuesday.
Thank you.
FIuffy friends or yappy friends?
But here he is the biggest canine
footbaII fan in Britain...
PIease don't Iet him touch me.
Thank you. Philip.
you're so funny.
Last week's earthquake
in China...
that's a big country a long.
long way from here...
killed over eight thousand
Never mind. because joining me
now from her sell-out tour...