You've got so much happiness.
Can't you share it a little?
Okay. so you don't want to tell
me. that's fine.
l've only known you all your life.
Listened to your sorros. made you
chicken soup.
What do l know anyway? l'm only an
old woman who'll be dead soon.
lt's your turn.
What do you wanna know. nana?
Let's start with his name.
His name's...
-Darren! Darren who?
-He's not Jewish.
You don't say.
Go on. tattoos?
-A motorbike maybe?
-Actually. there is a motorbike...
no tattoos.
Oh. apart from a very small one...
l don't want to hear about
the tattoos.
Do you love him?
l like him.
A lot l mean... he's different.
And when l'm with him
l'm different as well.
Do you wanna be different?
Why. bubbela? You're gorgeous.
lt's complicated.
Life is complicated.
When you put on a red dress...
you feel like a different girl...
than when you put on
navy trousers.
The important thing is how you
feel with no clothes on.
lt's your turn.