In accordance with Jewish Iaw.
nana was buried the next day.
My father. being next of kin...
went through a series of rituaIs
that for the 1st time in my Iife...
feIt Iike they meant something.
He ripped his cIothing and stopped
shaving for a month.
We covered the mirrors in our
And there was to be no music
for awhiIe.
My father had to sit on a Iow
for seven days.
A period caIIed 'sitting shiva'.
In that time. he was not to Ieave
the house.
Mourning is often seen as a time
of quiet contempIation.
Not if you're Jewish.
Friends and famiIy came every night
that week for prayers...
to bring home-made food so that
no-one in the famiIy had to cook.
As it turned out. we didn't have
to cook for a month.
Sadie was a woman who didn't
miss a thing.
ln fact. she'd be upset she
couldn't be here today.
She always loved a good shiva.
But. as the midrash says...
even an angel cannot be
in two places at once.
She once told me. she so wished...
that she could see her family
that never made it out of Poland.
Well. Sadie...
now you can.
-l hate this.
-Yeah. it's very hard.