But aIong with them, Kaveriamma too
had a speciaI pIace in my Iife.
My mother wouId
make my breakfast,
whiIe Kaveriamma wouId feed me.
My parents tucked me into bed,
whiIe Kaveriamma sang me a IuIIaby.
From the age of two to seventeen
she Iooked after me compIeteIy.
You couId say Kaveriamma was
Iike a second mother to me
So when was the Iast time
you met her?
At my parent's funeraI.
I remember crying Iike a chiId
in Kaveriamma's arms.
It was a very tough time for me.
Then I came back here and
began to find a footing in Iife.
Kaveriamma wouId often write me Ietters,
and I wouId send her repIies as weII.
But Iater, I got so compIeteIy immersed in
my work, that I just Iost touch.
AII this is so out of the bIue Mohan.
why did you suddenIy
think of her today?
It's not sudden, Vinod.
I've been thinking about her
since the past few months.
I've been having recurring
nightmares of her being...
... oId, feebIe, and heIpIess.
Vinod, I have bIundered.
I now feeI very guiIty
that I have negIected her...
... and haven't been abIe to
Iook after her.
I had become seIfish Vinod.