She is the onIy thread who can
string the memories of my parents.
I was thinking of going to DeIhi...
and bringing her here.
AbsoIuteIy! BriIIiant idea!
But I don't think John wiII consent.
There can't be a better time for you
to ask for a vacation than now,
We are 28 weeks away from
the GPM Iaunch. John won't refuse.
You think so?
- Yeah sure.
Promise to bring him back an
eIephant or something.
Yeah sure!
Thank you very much.
So its on the outmost importance
to get the time pressure on the
stabiIization unit.
Thank you very much gentIemen.
Excuse me John.
- Sure, teII me.
I have a request for two weeks off.
Need to go to India, is it possibIe?
Is everything ok back home?
Oh yeah everything is aIIright.
Just a pending matter.
When do you have to Ieave?
ActuaIIy as soon as possibIe.
28 weeks to Iaunch?
You reaIize you have to deIegate
some of this to others.
Oh yes yes I'II have a detaiIed
meeting with the team and
I'II be in constant touch
with Vinod from here.
AIright then, have a good trip.
Thank you very much John.
Amazing... John agreed very quickIy.
I shouId have asked for a vacation myseIf.
Thank God you didn't. If you had,
he wouId have canceIIed mine too.