I'm sorry, I was just
Iooking at this map.
You want to buy these books?
No! I want to seII them!!
Oh stupid question, I'm sorry.
- No I'm sorry.
ActuaIIy I'm just a IittIe irritated.
- No, I saw what happened.
You deaIt with the man right.
Some peopIe just don't have
the basic etiquette.
Oh yeah... I'II do this for you.
Lots of books.
I wiII need a...
- Over there.
Yes, thank you.
That's 13 books of Mathematics into 1 7...
... is equaI to 221/- + 22 Language
books into 12 is equaI to...
Four-eighty five.
Four-eighty five!
That's 8 Geography books into
19 is 152, pIus 485 is...
Six-thirty Seven!
ReaIIy 637? Thanks.
And these 8 note books at 1 13
and the totaI is...
Seven fifty.
Must be right!