Life's a car; Time's the wheel
There's the river of tears for sure
And a garden of joys too, secure.
O brother, all these stare
intently upon thy path
Go on, O traveller!
O traveller! Go on!
How beautiful is this world
Forget thy troubles all
Behold! The beds of flowers enthrall
Heed thee vibrant world's call
Wherever l cast my eye
upon these paths
Colours stream in my glance
The breeze is cool, the shade cool too
Far, over there, l wonder whose
hamlet stands
Ah! How didst the rain clouds amass?
That my heart was brought
to such a pass
What dream have l seen?
- That every dream doth true appear,
Kindling fire in my body
lf thy heart's path thou traverseth
Thou shallst pick pearl from
The oyster every moment
Only if thou couldst always
heed thy heart
Go on, O traveller!
O traveller! Go on!
How beautiful is this world
Forget thy troubles all
Behold! The beds of flowers enthrall
Heed thee vibrant world's call