Will an lndian dhaba
work on those freeways?
l think it'll work!
- Will it work?
l think maybe... thanks for the dhaba,
l mean breakfast!
Now if you'll excuse me,
l've got to get ready!
Of course sir.
l'll meet you again sir.
Thank you, Thelaram.
Sir it's Mela Ram!
- Sorry, Mela Ram.
Sir last question.
Sir l will give you a very good offer sir.
We'll open a dhaba in partnership.
l will give you 50%
haIf share of aII the money I make
I have even thought of a name
for this dhaba.
It wiII be caIIed...
...MeIa Ram Dhaba. Ok?
- Ok.
- Very happy.
It's a deaI sir.
Jai Ramji ki!
(Lord Ram be praised)l
Jai Ramji ki!
(Lord Ram be praised)l
So this is your caravan!
Not mine. lt belongs to a
friend of Rahul's.
lt's nice! lsn't it Gita?
Chikku was right.
Really, this car is exactly like a house.
There's a kitchen here...