Or else we'll take the matter to
the higher authorities.
Sangam, what is the next case?
Case No.35, the school!
Yes Gitaji?
l wish to continue teaching children
in the existing premises.
The new alternate
place you are suggesting...
... is too small...
... and then it's also too far. Children
won't be able to walk so much everyday.
But why do you need such a big
space for the school?
You don't even have enough
children to fill up the classes
More children will come to
study in the school.
That's what you've been saying
for a year now!
She has been trying!
We've all been trying!
Look Dadaji, we need the school
space for the Panchayat.
Then the tehsildars also want to
establish their office in the school.
The village also needs a spare
room for the granary.
lt will be the economic
center of the village.
And the place we are offering you
is good enough for teaching.
No, it won't be enough
l want to start a few more
classes in the school.
l want to reinstate those children
who've left the school
in the past couple of years.
And then there are some villagers who
are not sending their children to school.
Today, l appeal to all of them to
send their children to school.
All right, Gita.
lf you can manage to enroll more
children in the next three months
then we're ready to reconsider.
But if there are no new admissions...
then you must agree to move
from the current premises.
This month's Panchayat is adjourned.
Come Mohan, let me introduce you
to the members of the Panch.
This is my Mohan.
He has just come from America.