
l've been trying your cell phone.
There is no network coverage here.
Vinod l'm no longer in Delhi.
l'm in a village called Charanpur.

Oh. Anyway now what about
the GPM instrument concept

and risk reduction study
that needs to be initialized?

l'll e-mail you the graphics right away!
You do that. But the internet
connection here is weak.

l won't be able to
download the graphics.

Why don't you Fed-Ex the CD to
Rahul in Delhi? He'll send it to me.

Come fast.
One more thing! The week will
pass by very quickly

All right.
l am going to be here a
little longer than l thought.

Kaveriamma has
some pending work here

because of which she can't
leave right away.

Ok. That's fine.
Can l have a word with John
regarding this? ls he there?

Don't worry about that
l will take care about that.

See you then.
- Bye.

Jai Ramji ki.
(Lord Ram be praised).

Well, well... the village lingo's getting
a hold on you. Jai Ramji ki! Bye. - Bye.

One moment.
How much was that?
518 rupees?

Five hundred eighteen rupees sir!
One moment sir.
Sir, you just mentioned
the word ''internet''.

l've heard the word ''international-.
but 'lnternet'? What's that?
l think l've heard it before.

lnternet... lnternet is a medium
through which we can...

... connect and communicate
with people in any part of the world.

No Post-office needed!
This is called e-mail.

E-mail! Really?

lf this e-mail is somehow
installed in this village

l'll be in seventh heaven.
- How is that?

Because then l wouldn't have
to deliver any letters.

l would just sit here and
email them all.

Email is indeed the summum bonum
