I'm not corrupting anyone.
I'm onIy bathing.
More than the kids, you're the
one who needs an education!
You can keep caIIing out to
YOUR Kaveriamma now.
AII right now, remove your notebooks.
The topic is GeneraI KnowIedge.
So who's going to teII me...
... the names of five of the most
important rivers in the country?
I'm sorry to be Iate teacher.
Look ahead.
Today I'm going to take your cIass!
First question...
... name five main rivers in India?
... teII me!
Let me think.
Ganga, Jamuna, Narmada...
... Bharati...
... Panchgani...
Bharati? Panchgani??
Are they rivers?
Vidya, you teII me.
Ganga, Jamuna, Narmada...
Godavari and Brahmaputra.
ExceIIent Vidya!
Second question...