... name the new state that has
been formed in North-West India?
I know this one.
It was a part of Uttar Pradesh, right?
Yes Chikku. You teII us!
It's UttaranchaI!
- Oh yes, UttaranchaI!!
How couId I have missed it?
I forgot!
WeII done, Chikku!
Now the Iast question...
... if our new student does
not know the answer...
... we'II have to demote him to
a Iower cIass.
How many Iion heads does
the Ashoka piIIar have?
This one is easy.
Noooooo! It's got four!
ExceIIent, chiIdren!
The Iesson of the day is...
... before gaining knowIedge
about foreign Iands,
it is important that one shouId
know one's own country first.
Don't forget to do your homework.
The rivers Ganga and Jamuna have
their confIuence point in AIIahabad.
The new state UttaranchaI...
... is the 27th state of India
with Dehradun as its capitaI.
This is the Iand where the
Mahabharata was written!
The Ashoka piIIar rests
in a circuIar abacus,
which is girded by four animaIs.
The buII of the West...
... the eIephant of the East,
the horse of the South...
... and Iion by the North.