
Gita, the bIackboard is cIean.
Gita... I am...
Gita... !
But aII my answers were correct.
This is Natthu, the potter and
this is Shankar...

... he makes baskets.
Both of them want us to admit
their chiIdren in schooI.

What Mohanbabu said to us
the other day touched our hearts.

We don't want our
chiIdren to suffer Iike us.

On the morning of Dussehra
(lndian festival)

you can come and enroll your
children in the school.

Yes ok.
The tides have begun to
change direction.

Haven't they?
l'm sorry.
Mohan!- Yes?
Mohan, l have some work for you.
- What work?

There's a place called Kodi a
few miles from here.

Gita has some family property there,
which has been leased to a
farmer called Haridas.

He has not paid his rent for
some months.

l want you to go an
recover the money.

But why do you want me to go?
Can't you send someone else?

lf you go and ask
he just might pay up.

Oh! So you want me
to be a collector now!

Ok, when should l leave?
l have to fuel up the caravan.

You have to leave now.
- Now?
