It is the way things work here.
Not a morseI to
fiII our stomach,
no cIothes to wear,
no roof above our heads,
no education for chiIdren,
nor Iand!
The thirst in my heart aIone
knows the taste of my tears!
Then what did you do?
What couId I do?
I thought about migrating to the city,
hoping Iife wouId be better there.
Those who had been there,
recounted the anguish in the cities.
A Iabourer goes there to work,
and faIIs into the grip of contractors.
He either returns hungry,
or never returns.
And soon, the wife has to
seII the IittIe Iand she has.
No sir, no!
I couIdn't feed my
chiIdren in this Iife...
... what is to happen after me?
And about Gitaji's money,
I have nothing to offer
except heIpIessness and shame.
Thank you for the food, Haridasji.