
How was your journey?
- Did you meet Haridas?

Yes. But I couId not get the money.
His situation is pathetic.
He can't pay the rent!

Instead, sir gave him money
from his own pocket, before Ieaving.

I couIdn't bear to see
Haridas' condition.

I don't think you shouId expect
any rent from him.

Mohanbhaiyya, did you get me my toy?
I couIdn't get anything.
Come Chikku.
Mohan this is the generaI
state of affairs.

What is money when compared
with the vaIue of human Iife?

I'm gIad you gave him money.
Now don't get disheartened.
Rest a IittIe.

... how do I wrap this around?
Kaveriamma has Ieft for schooI.
For the decorations.

I don't know why she wants
me to wear this dhoti?

What's wrong with my jeans anyway?
It is the appropriate thing to
wear on Dussehra.

If you wish I can tie it for you.
How do you know?
Have you ever worn one?

It's not a saree, ok!
Ok then! Do it yourseIf.
AII right, aII right.
Just do it quick.
