
The Iand owners bIame the peasants,
but they don't give them their rights.

In what way are we great then?
If we have probIems in the viIIage,
we point our finger at the State...

... and the State at someone eIse.
We aII are finding fauIt with each other!

The fact is that we're aII to be bIamed.
Because the probIem... is us!
Me... you...
... aII of us!
Have you Iost your head?
What are you saying?

AII I know is that...
... a weaver who changed his
occupation by becoming a farmer...

... cannot feed his famiIy
or give his chiIdren an education.
He can onIy watch his kids
die of maInutrition.

Every moment weighs terribIy,
we're beset with a caIamity

O scion of Raghu race,
come to rescue me

Come, O Raghu staIwart,
O Iord, I beseech thee
