Every moment weighs terribIy,
we're beset with a caIamity
O scion of Raghu race,
come to rescue me
ShouIdst Ram possess strength;
shouIdst He vaIour procIaim
Why hast He not come to rescue thee,
thy fame?
He whose gIories thou
singeth untiring
Pray, where is that Ram at
this moment, uncaring?
Ram resides in mine heart;
Ram is mine breathing part
Ram is souI mine,
Ram doth my Iife define
Ram in aII my moments Iiveth,
it's Ram in every breath
Ram is in every hope of mine;
Ram is in every wish and pine
Ram veriIy in compassion stayeth,
in peace too dweIIeth Ram
Ram for sure in unity is,
progress too is gIory His
Ram, in contempIation of devotees,
and of enemies aIike Iiveth
Forsake sin, O Ravana! And thou
shaIt find Ram in thy heart
Ram in thy heart,
Ram is in mine heart
Ram in thy heart,
Ram is in mine heart
Ram in every home and abode,
Ram at every threshoId
Whoever shouIdst oust Ravana
from the heart, to him doth Ram dart
Whoever shouIdst oust Ravana
from the heart, to him doth Ram dart