Every moment weighs terribly,
we're beset with a calamity
Quiet! Please be quiet!
Why do l feel that...
... all of you have started
enjoying living in this darkness?
You've adjusted to this darkness?
For how long are you'll going to
take your problems lying down?
But what else can we do, Mohanji?
Will you do as l ask?
Have you once again come up
with some strange solution?
Please have mercy on us!
Wait Munishwar...
What do you want us to do?
ls there a spring on
the nearby mountain?
Yes there is. So?
l need a hundred men.
A hundred men?
You shall have them.
You shall have a
hundred men!
Thank you Dadaji.
Sir, one hears lightning had struck
this spot several years ago.
Since then there has been
this gush of water.
Wonder what he's upto!
This is Point A1
We shall build a reservoir here.
l mean a water tank.
The water will be
acccumulated here.
From here, there will be a water pipe
which leads to Point A3.
A3 will have a shed with a turbine,
l mean a machine.