Where's Mela Ram?
What is this?
- From boot to suit, total American sir!
But why?
Now that we are going to do
business together...
l thought that l should look
like a 40% partner!
This is my passport and this is
my VISA form, fuIIy fiIIed out!
Once it's stamped...
BaIIu, show him an
aIternator powered 24 watts.
PIease come in sir.
Here's your water, Dadaji.
- Thank you, Santaram.
How's the work progressing on the hiII?
It's getting on perfectIy fine.
How Iong wiII it take?
- It wiII be compIeted very soon.
You take rest!
I'II take your Ieave now.
Jai Ramji Ki!
By the way Vinod, wiII the turbine
principIe work in power generation?
Yes. Why do you ask?
You know what, I am trying to
generate eIectricity here.
EIectricity? What the heII
are you taIking about?
No, no Vinod, I'm Iighting a buIb here.