And General MacArthur
has ordered
UN forces to advance
to the north
The victory is ours
You all did a great job
Reunification is right before us...
2nd battalion!
What's going on over there?
We're going home!
Ok, let's kick some ass!
It looks like the war
may be over soon
I wouldn't be so sure
I heard Chinese will back the north
That's just commie propaganda
Uncle Yang
what do you think?
The Sunspot and Great Bear
are losing energy now and...
We will be home
before the New Year
You really sure this time?
What the hell!
Okay, I believe you
Sergeant LEE
Sergeant LEE
He'll get the Medal of Honor!
I expected it
you would get it
You got it for catching
the captain alive
The commander is
really pleased
- What is that medal of honor?
- You idiot!
Any time 'honor' is in
the medal's name, it's good
Tomorrow the commander will
award it himself tomorrow
Let's give him a big hand!
Sergeant LEE, now you can
be a soldier forever