They just said I was under
investigation and took me here
We're executing traitors
according to the law
I don't care what you're doing
- I'm taking her
- Then you're a commie, too!
- I don't think so!
- KlM Young-shin, 23
signed up for the communist
party on June 23
We have her signature!
I did it only for food
I didn't know what it was!
She worked for
the communist party 35 times
And participated in
numerous communist rallies!
We were starving
I have to get food somehow!
The South Korean government
gave us nothing!
Shut up!
You step away
- Don't be stupid
- You're dead, too
Touch her you're all dead!
This is the last warning
Step aside
Don't move!
Or you won't walk
out of here in piece
Do you know what
you are doing?
I'm stopping you from
killing innocent people
Get her out of here!
You wanna save a whore?
She was with every single
North Korean officer!
Shut your damn mouth
before I'll blow it off!
That's why she isn't fleeing
- That's not true
- Don't pretend you don't know
- It's no use denying it
- No, that's a lie
- Go now!
- Last warning
If you take her out of here
you two are commies too
No, Jin-tae
Jin-tae, believe me
Get the hell out of here!
Bring them out and go!
- Now!
- Stop right there!