That's why I saw 90
If I had know, I would have slowed down.
anyway 90 is illegal.
the limit is 50... for everybody!
cars, skateboard
Taxis... everybody !
he's happy now? caught me
did his work, he's happy now.
My licence is my life
if tonight I'm walking, tomorrow I'm dead.
You're going to be friendly, and finish me quickly.
He slow down, I can enjoy it a bit.
Usualy I'm the one screamed at all day
for one time I'm lucky.
-i didn't knock because of my wrist.
-Ah it doesn't matter.
-that you didn't knock I mean.
-Thank you.
-your diner, your software that can't wait.
so it will wait until
I don't have any scarves.
unless you want to have diner
with a scarecrow.
I doesn't bother me...
you're perfect Petra.
it's not important... I mean no...
yes it matters
It's Important.
it's very bad for you...
... but for me..
for the software it doesn't matter
ah you see !
All day it's like that.
if only I could catch
those German bastards
you finish me ?
You are going to see, you'll feel better.
Yeah, I have to...
unless you have an idea.
-i can promise no to do it again?
-I said an Idea, not a stupidity.
I'm talkin about a real idea
of public interest.
-want to turn me in a dog shit Picker?
something of public interest,
for me. Understand?
It's like I represent the public...
... and you do something in my interest.
-Ah you want money !.
-Argh you're really stupid!
Tell me clearly what you want
It's been 1 hour with your
yadi yadi yada
-What do you want?
The Mercedes gang
that rings a bell ?
No, the obnly gangs I know
would be in scooter.
they're a gang specialized in robbing banks
yesterday was the 7th.
-And that make my chier sick.
-Ah that is bad.