All right. Thanks.
Gary, hey. Hold on a second!
Don't you understand? Every country in the world is in danger.
How is it my responsibility to do something?
Because like it or not,
you're the one with the power to do something.
I can't fight terrorists. I don't know nothing about guns or jets.
That doesn't matter. If you wanna help people
all that matters is Gary is what you have here.
Just think about it, ok. Here, take this.
Baxter will take you wherever you wanna go.
Just remember your freedom is at stake too.
What do you think Spottswoode sees in him ?
I don't know. But I think I see it too.
Hey Baxter I wanna take a detour.
# What would you do #
# if you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom? #
# What would you do if that is to make the ultimate sacrifice? #
# Would you think about all them people? #