Hey, hey guys I think we should pull over.
Pull over?
Yes of course!
Pull over let them pass us ...
and when they turn around we charge them.
I love your balls.
Shit they got by me.
What are we doing?
This jeep is filled with explosives.
We're going take their lives and our own.
We...we gonna what?
Hang on Joe!
Die infidels!
Suprise cockheads!
All right we fucking did it.
Spottswoode, this is Lisa.
Gary found the WMDs and the terrorists are down.
Great job team. Head back to base for deep briefing and cocktails.
This is breaking news with Peter Jennings.
Team America has once again pissed off
the entire world after blowing up half of Cairo.
And now some Hollywood celebrities are lashing out.
Alec Baldwin is head of the Film Actors Guild.
The Film Actors Guild believes that
what the world needs is compassion not violence.
All that Team America does is create new enemies.
Let me explain to you how this works.
You see the corporations finance Team America ...
and then Team America goes out...
and the Corporations sit there in their...
in their corporation buildings
and ... and see that they are all corporationy