Team America: World Police

Team I'm afraid I have bad news.
At 7:15 this morning the terrorists carried out their attack.
But how can that be? Gary stopped the terrorists in Cairo.
It appears now that Intelligence was wrong about
the Chechenens being in charge.
That was bad intelligence. Very bad intelligence!
I am sorry.
We have to find out who did this and take them down ... Fast.
Sir I'm intercepting communications about the terrorist identities.
On screen!
This is breaking news with Peter Jennings.
An attack in Panama today has left thousands dead.
Taking credit were terrorists from Derkaderkastain.
Of course Derkaderkastain.
The terrorists claim that the attack was
retaliation for Team America's action in Cairo.
Alec Baldwin is rallying all the members of the Film Actors Guild.
Alec Baldwin!
He is ... he is my hero! The single greatest actor of all time.
Who is to blame for these attack at Panama?
The terrorists? The person who supplied them with the WMDs?
