What the hell?
Somebody is shooting at us from the water!
It must be a Korean sub.
Chris you get to take him out.
I am already on it.
These guys really snuck up on us.
Yeah there is a lot of that going around lately.
Sarah you know I didn't mean to hurt you.
No you just didn't care if you did.
Now come on Sarah that isn't fair!
Lisa can't help it if Gary has feelings for her.
Just like nobody can help it if you have feelings for Gary.
What is that supposed to mean?
Oh come on Sarah!
You mean you never realized that Joe has feelings for you?
Joe? But you're like a brother to me.
That's all I ever am ... like a brother.
It isn't fair.
Hang on team. Someone has broken into the hangar.
Hey Team America.
I got something for you!
What the hell?
Prepare to die!
Jesus titty fucking Christ!
Oh my god!
No ...
he can't be dead.
We've lost Intelligence.
I repeat ... we have no Intelligence.
Their computers are down.
That's it I am going down.
Sarah God! Chris you gotta help her!
I am on it.
Just hang on Sarah!
Oh fuck, I've been hit.