Terkel i knibe

"Yesterday I met a boy who weeped"
"He couldn't find his way back home"

"And he was afraid of the dark"
"The kiddo said: dear Stewart can you help me?"
"I took out my knife and yelled BOOH!"
"And suddenly he found his way home"

"And then I remember Viktor "
"His dad really cruel"

"He beat the kid yellow and blue"
"Whenever he had the time"

"Victor called me up one day"
"and complained about his situation"

"Unfortunately I was busy that day"
"So now Viktor is dead"

"Ask for help if you need answers"
"You can call night and day"
"This captain is ready"
"Push the 8 digits if you are feeling down"
"And if I'm out drinking you can leave a message!"
Can't I just get some help...?
That's right Terkel

That's what you have to say,
if one day the shit hits the fan

Take care and tell your dad that I'm popping
by to hand out some beatdown one of these days

"Death to the animal tormentor"
Please I don't want to die!

What is going on here?
Have you seen this mess, Leon?

What is it you're playing in here?
A stone came through the window
It didn't just come through the window by itself.

Maybe this will teach you not to
play with fire another time

Terkel kept some distance to
Sten and Saki in the schoolyard
