Fat cow, way cool
Terkel.. won't you sit next to me and Saki?
Ermm, okay
What the fuck...
Is anybody sitting here?
Actually someone is!
I can't see anyone
Well look closer then, you bum
Bloody hell! Now I dropped my pipe
You bring bad luck
Calm down for a sec?
You silly little mischiefs
Okay Gunnar
I feel like playing a song for you guys
If you would like to hear one?
Oh dear, you're absolutely uncontrollable
Hey Gunnar, can't you sing a song about
why we have to do so much homework?
Listen up kids, you're all being spoiled
There's actually a lot of children in
the world who are worse off than you.
Nah, I don't believe that
Just pay attention:
"Here's a story about a boy named Quang"
"He's 7 years old and lives in Thailand"
"And his workday is long"
"He gets up early in the morning"
"And goes to bed very late"
"'Cause Quang has a lot to do"
"Though he's just a boy"
"Every morning at 4.45am"
"Quang takes off"
"Through hawthorns and thistles"
"To a boat at the riverside"
"The water is dark and cold"
"But the family ows money"