I can't ever remember
making a move like that.
I'm usually "a big
scared cat", seriously.
You don't seem it.
Well, I guess I'm good
at hiding it, then.
You are.
Well, it's just you're easy
to be with, you now?
That doesn't happen every day.
I guess I kind of went with it.
I got a sudden burst of courage,
that's now quickly disappearing.
So you don't mind if we
talk for a little while?
That'd be great.
I'm gonna get us
a couple drinks.
How long have you lived here?
I like your place.
It's funky.
Can I ask you something?
I don't want to say anything
you might take the wrong way.
What is it?
How many men
have you been with?
Just tell me it's none of
my fuckin' business.
It's none of
your fucking business.
I'm playing with you.
So, how many men
have you been with?
Well, not a lot.