How many is "not a lot"?
Whatever most people today consider
a lot, it's less than that.
Less than a lot.
What about more than
messing around?
Sex is a very
intimate thing.
It's the most intimate two people
can be with one another.
And it's not something I feel
right about with just anybody.
There has to be a certain trust
a certain bond with that person.
-Nice observation.
-Yeah, it is for me.
I'm starting to think that
because I made some silly move...
you now have this idea
about me?
Maybe I misread things.
So how many men
have you been with?
I just told you.
No, no. You said
you needed trust.
-You said "trust".
-Doesn't that say it all?
Not really.
I know the exact number
of men I've been with.
Most people don't or they
can't keep track, but I do.
If you don't want to
tell me, or...
Six, just like that.
Six, just like that.
We are talking about
Okay, well, then, six.
No way it could be seven?
Is it possible there is seven?
I guess,
but no more than seven.
No way.