The Cookout

Todd, how does it
feel to have...

all of the experts
picking you...

to go first
in the draft?

Broke, from bribing
all those experts.

No, no, l'm just playing.
No, seriously,
l'm honored...

that people love
my game that much.

But there will be
a lot of good players...

in the draft tomorrow...
and the first pick
could be anybody.

Now, Todd,
you were raised...

in the ghetto,
the hood...

dragged up
in the streets...

after your father
abandoned you and your mother.

My dad never left.
He's right here.

This is my dad.
No government cheese?
No welfare?
My parents
worked very hard...

to pay the bills
and keep clothes on my back.

So, Mr. And Mrs. Andersen...
once Todd is selected
in the draft...

he stands
to make millions.

Do you think things will
change for your family?

We're a down-home
kind of people.

We raised Todd to know...
that family values are more
important than money.

What about alcoholism...
drug abuse,
the smoke, the drink?

Domestic violence?
Tomorrow will probably be...
a historical day
for your family.

How do you plan
on celebrating?

We're gonna celebrate it
the way the Andersens...

have always celebrated
for generations.

We're having a family...
- Cookout!
- Cookout!

Well, that's all
our time for now.

Todd, Mr. And Mrs.
Andersen, thank you.

And good luck
tomorrow in the draft.

For Sports Time,
l'm A.C. Charles.

And l'm Pearce Gabriel.
Good night.
- What was that?
- Who the...

You can stop
all that smiling.

The camera's off.
The camera loves me, woman.
