Focus. Focus.
Hey, don't worry
about the house, OK?
Ms. Peters is gonna
be here any second.
You need to sell her on you.
On you, babe.
OK, look. Whatever it takes
to get this deal.
But as soon as she leaves,
l want all this stuff...
back the way it was
before my mom gets here.
And you might want
to return this.
No! That cock cost me
a lot of money to get.
You've got a giant cock
in your kitchen.
lt's ridiculous.
l miss you.
l miss you more.
l miss you more.
Lil Dee?
Who the hell is Lil Dee?
What's good, chief?
What was that--
Public Enemy?
Are you addressing me,
young man?
lf you are, it is
Judge Holstead Crowley...
not chief.
Hey, man,
l'm Todd Andersen...
your new neighbor.
Good to see...
another brother in
the neighborhood, man.
You're not any
relations of mine.
l just wanted
to come over here...
and invite you
to a cookout.
Thank you for the invitation,
but l will not be coming...
to your...cookout.
And keep it down.
lt's one thing for you
to call me out my name.
lt's a whole nother thing...
for you to call me
some other trick's name.
Don't make me break the glass.
l got to go.
l'll deal with you later.
Hey! Yo! Hey! Hey!
Whoa! Stop!
l'll do the talking, man.
Do l look good?
You look phat.