Bad apples
We know all
about WorldCom.
Bad apples
Xerox Corporation.
Bad apples
Arthur Anderson.
Bad apples
Enron obviously
bad apples.
K-mart Corporation
Bad apples
the fruit cart is
getting a little more full.
I dont think it's just a
few apples unfortunately.
I think this is the worst
crisis of confidence
in business.
What's wrong
with this picture?
Can we not pick
a better metaphor
to describe the dominant
institution of our time?
Through the voices of CEOs
whistle blowers
brokers gurus and spies
insiders and outsiders
we present the corporation
as a paradox
an institution which
creates great wealth
but causes enormous
and often hidden harms.
I see the corporation
as part of a jigsaw
in society as a whole
which if you remove it
the pictures incomplete.
But equally if it's
the only part
it's not going to work.
A sports team.
Some of us are
blocking and tackling.
Some of us
are running the ball
some of us are
throwing the ball.
But we all have
a common purpose
which is to succeed
as an organization.
A corporations
like a family unit.
People in a corporation work
together for a common end
Like the telephone system
it reaches almost
It's extraordinarily powerful
it's pretty hard to avoid.
And it transforms
the lives of people
I think on balance
for the better.
The eagle
soaring clear eyed
prepared to strike
but not a vulture.