The Corporation

What does loyalty mean?
Well it turns
out that

that was a rather
naive concept anyways

as corporations are
always owed obligation

to themselves to get large
and to get profitable.

In doing this
it tends to be more
profitable to the extent

it can make other
people pay for the bills

for its impact
on society.

There's a terrible word that
economists use for this

called externalities.
An externality is the effect
of a transaction

between two individuals.
Third party who
has not consented to

or played any role
in the carrying out

of that transaction
And there are real
problems in that area.

There’s no
doubt about it.

Running a business is
a tough proposition.

There are costs to be
minimized at every turn

and at some point
the corporation says

you know let somebody
else deal with that.

Let's let somebody else
supply the military power

to the middle east to protect
the oil at its source.

Let's let somebody else build
the roads that we can drive

these automobiles on.
Let's let somebody
else have those problems

And that is where
externalities come from

that notion of let somebody
else deal with that.

I got all I can
handle myself.

A corporation is an
externalizing machine

in the same way that a shark
is a killing machine.

Each one is designed
in a very efficient way

to accomplish
particular objectives.

In the achievement
of those objectives

there isn’t any question
of malevolence or of will.

The enterprise
has within it

and the shark
has within it

those characteristics that
enable it to do that

for which it was designed.
The pressure is
on the corporation

to deliver results now
