Well the whole idea of
the export processing zone
is that it will be the
first step towards
this wonderful
new development
through the investment thatÂ’s
attracted to these countries
there will be
a trickle down effect
into the communities.
But because so many countries
are now in the game
of creating these
free trade enclaves
they have to keep providing
more and more incentives
for companies to come to their
little denationalized pocket.
And the tax holidays
get longer.
So the workers rarely
make enough money
to buy
three meals a days
let alone feed
their local economy.
Something happened in 1940
which marked the beginning
of a new era.
The era of the ability
to synthesize and create.
On an unlimited scale
new chemicals that had
never existed before
in the world.
And using the
magic of research
oil companies compete
with each other
in taking the petroleum
molecule apart
and rearranging it into
well you name it...
So suddenly it became possible
to produce any new chemical
synthetic chemicals
the likes of which had never
existed before in the world
for any purpose and
at virtually no cost.