The Corporation

and it cant be
cured and they die.

That’s a crisis.
Bad for the cow
Bad for the farmer
Bad potentially
for the consumer

The jury is out
we see a lot of
conflicting evidence

about potential
health risk.

And of course
as a consumer

my belief is why
should I take any risk?

Factory farm cows have not
been the only victims

of Monsanto products.
Large areas of Vietnam were
deforested by the us military

using Monsanto’s agent orange.
The toxic herbicide
reportedly caused

over 50000 birth defects
and hundreds of thousands of cancers
in Vietnamese civilians and soldiers

and in former American troops
serving in South East Asia.

Unlike the Vietnamese victims
U. S. Vietnam war veterans
exposed to Agent Orange

were able to sue Monsanto
for causing their illnesses.

Monsanto settled
out of court

paying $80 million
in damages.

But it never
admitted guilt

Sleeping in a motel
in Brewer Maine one night

I woke up with
terrible hay fever

and my eyes were burning.
And I looked out
at the river

and there were great
mounds of white foam

going right
down the river.

And the next morning
I got up and I said

My God what was
that happening last night

He said "Oh that’s
just the river".

And I said
"what do you mean?"

He said "Well look every
night the paper company sends

the stuff down the river."
And I said "What are
you talking about?"

And he said "Don’t
you understand?"

"That show we get rid of the
effluent from the paper mills."
