The Corporation

Again and again we have
the problem

that whether you obey
the law or not

is a matter whether
its cost effective.

If the chance
of getting caught

and the penalties are less
than it costs to comply

people think of it as
just a business decision.

Drawing the metaphor of
the early attempts to fly.

Theban going off of a very
high cliff in his airplane

with the wings flapping
and the guys
flapping the wings

and the wind
is in his face

and this poor fool
think she’s flying

but in fact
he’s in freefall

and he just doesn’t
know it yet

because the ground
is so far away

but of course the craft
is doomed to crash.

That’s the way our
civilization is

the very high cliff
represents the virtually
united resources

we seem to have when
we began this journey.

The craft isn’t flying
because it's not built according
to the laws of aerodynamics

and is subject
to the law of gravity.

Civilization is not flying
because it's not built according
to the laws of aerodynamics

for civilizations
that would fly.

And of course the ground
is still a long way away

but some people have seen
that ground rushing up

sooner than
the rest of us have.

The visionaries have seen it
and have told us its coming.

There’s not a
single scientific

peer reviewed paper published
in the last 25years

that would contradict
this scenario

Every living system
of earth

is in decline
every life support system
of earth is in decline
