The Corporation

But l will tell you and every
trader will tell you

who was not in
that building

and who was buying gold
and who owned gold and silver

that when it happened
the first thing
you thought about was

well how much is gold up?
The first thing
that came to mind was

my god gold must
be exploding.

Fortunately for us all
our clients were in gold.

So when it went up they
all doubled their money.

They’ve all doubled
their money.

It was a blessing
in disguise.

Devastating you know
crushing heart shattering

but on the
financial sense

for my clients that
were in the market

they all made money.
Now I wasn’t looking
for this type of help

but it happened.
When the us bombed
Iraq back in 1991

the price of oil went
from $ 13 to $40 a barrel

for Christ sake!
Now we couldn’t wait
for the bombs

to start raining down
on Saddam Hussein.

We were all excited.
We wanted Saddam to
really create problems

Do whatever you
have to do

set fire to some
more oil wells

because the price is
going to go higher.

Every broker was
chanting that

there was not a broker
that I know of

that wasn’t
excited about that.

This was a disaster.
This was something
that was you know

catastrophe happening.
Bombing wars
In devastation there
is opportunity.

The pursuit of profit
is an old story

but there was a time when
many things were regarded

either as too sacred or too
essential for the public good

to be considered business

They were protected
by tradition

and public regulation.
