The Corporation

before they put it
on the marketplace.

The longest test they
did for human toxicity

was 90 days on thirty rats.
And then either Monsanto
misreported the results

to the FDA
or the FDA didn’t bother
to look in depth

at Monsanto’s own studies.
The scientists within Health
Canada looked very carefully

at bovine growth hormone
and came to very
different conclusions

than the Food and Drug
Administration in the U. S. Did

Monsanto's engineered
growth hormone did not comply

with safety requirements.
it could be absorbed
by the body

and therefore did have
implications for human health.

Mysteriously that
conclusion was deleted

from the final published
version of their report...

I personally
was very concerned

that there’s a very serious
problem of secrecy

conspiracy and things
of that nature.

We have been pressured
and coerced

to pass drugs of
questionable safety

including RB ST.
We wrote the story.
We had it ready a
week beforehand.

They bought ads
:20:02 in the milk
industry say it's safe

but studies suggest
a link to cancer.

Don’t miss this special report
from The Investigators...

That Friday night before the
Monday the series was to begin

the fax machine
spit out a letter

from this very high priced
lawyer in New York

that Monsanto had hired.
It contained a lot of
things that were just

off-the-wall false
Just demonstrably false
but if you didn’t
know the story

and you didn’t know how
wed gone about producing

it would have scared
you as a broadcaster

or as a manager.
And they decided that they
would pull the story

and they would just check
it one more time.

But the bottom line was that
there was no factual errors

in that story.
Both sides had been
heard from

both sides had had an
opportunity to speak.

One week later
Monsanto sent
the second letter

and this was even
more strongly worded.

And it said there will be dire
consequences for Fox News

if the story airs
in Florida.

And this time
they freaked.
