And it was very very
clear I would say
almost every edit
they made to the piece
that was the aim.
And we changed this
and this and this.
And then that
wasnt good enough
okay now change
this and this.
Now change this and this.
Version after version
after version.
83 times.
83 times is unheard
of it doesnt happen
you shouldnt have to
rewrite something 83 times
Obviously they didnt want
to put the thing on the air
and they were trying to drive us
crazy and get us to quit
or wait until the first
window in our contract
so that they
could fire us.
They in effect announced that
they were going to fire us
for no cause.
Well this was
a little much.
And Steve wrote a letter
to the lawyer in Atlanta
whose name is Caroline Forest
the Fox corporate lawyer.
And I said you know this isnt
about being fired for no cause.
You're firing us because we
refused to put on the air
something that we knew and
demonstrated to be false
and misleading.
Thats what
this is about.
And because we
put up a fight
because we stood up
to this big corporation
and we stood up
to your editors
and we stood up
to your lawyers.
And we said to you
look there ought
to be a principle higher
than just making money.
And she wrote a
letter back and said
you are right thats
exactly what it was.
You stood up
to us on this story
and thats why
we're letting you go.
Big mistake
Big mistake
That says retaliation.
You cant retaliate
against employees
if theyre standing
up for something
that they believe is illegal
that they dont want
to participate in.
So that gave us
the whistleblower
stats that wanted
in the state of Florida to
file a whistleblower claim
against our employer.
Two or three years
later we got the trial.
Five weeks of testimony led
to a jury verdict of $425000
in which the jury determined
that the story they
pressured us to broadcast
the story we resisted
telling was in fact false
distorted or slanted.