Fox News
appealed the verdict.
Five major news media
corporations filed briefs
with the court in support
of Fox appeal.
You may recall that Jane Akre
a former reporter here
sued Fox 13 in
a whistleblower lawsuit
claiming that
she was fired
for refusing
to distort her report;
the Appeals Court today
threw that case out
saying Ms. Akre had
no whistleblower claim
against the station
based on news distortion.
Fox 13vice president and
general manager Bob Linger
says the station
has been completely
vindicated by the ruling...
What Fox neglected
to report is this
Jane sued Fox under Floridas
whistleblower statute
which protects those who try
to prevent others
from breaking the law.
Buther Appeal Court judges
found that falsifying news
isnt actually
against the law.
So they denied Jane her
whistleblower stats
overturned the case and
withdrew her $425000 award.
Canada and Europe have
upheld the ban on RB G H.
But it remains hidden
in the milk supply
of the United States
The prospect that two thirds
of the worlds population
will have no access to fresh
drinking water by 2025
has provoked
the initial confrontations
in a world wide battle
for control over the planets
most basic resource.
When Bolivia sought
to refinance
the public water services
of its third largest city
the World Bank
required privatization
which is how the Bechtel
Corporation of San Francisco
gained control over all
of Cochabamba's water
even that which
fell from the sky.