avoid the comfortable idea
that the mere form of
government can of itself
safeguard a nation
against despotism.
For big business despotism
was often a useful tool
for securing foreign markets
and pursuing profits.
One of the U. S. Marine corps
most highly decorated generals
Smedley Darlington Butler
by his own account
helped pacify Mexico
for American oil companies
Haiti and Cuba
for National City Bank
Nicaragua for the Brown
Brothers brokerage
the Dominican Republic
for sugar interests
Honduras for U. S.
Fruit companies
and China
for standard oil.
General Butlers services
were also in demand
in the United States
in the 1930s
as president
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
sought to relieve
the misery
of the depression through
public enterprise
and to offer regulation
on corporate exploitation
and misdeeds.
more power to you
President Roosevelt
The entire countrys
behind you.
thrilled with hope
and patriotism...
But the country
was not entirely
the populist president.
Large parts of
the corporate elite
despised what Roosevelts
new deal stood for.
And so in 1934
a group of conspirators
sought to involve
General Butler in
a treasonous plan.
..The plan as outlined tome
was to form an organization
of veterans to use as a bluff
or as a club at least
to intimidate
the government...
but the corporate cabal
had picked the wrong man.
Butler was fed up
being what he called
a gangster for capitalism.
... I appeared before
the Congressional Committee
the highest representation
of the American people
under subpoena to tell what
I knew of activities
which I believed might lead
to an attempt to set up
a fascist dictatorship.
The upshot of the whole
thing was that I was supposed