to lead an organization of
500000 men which would
be able to take over
the functions of government...
A Congressional Committee
ultimately found evidence
of a plot to overthrow
According to Butler
the conspiracy included
representatives of some
of Americas top corporations
including J. P. Morgan
Dupont and Goodyear tire.
As today's chairman
of Goodyear knows
for corporations
to dominate government
a coup is no
longer necessary.
Corporations have gone
global and by going global
the governments have lost
some control over corporations
regardless of whether
the corporation can be trusted
or can not be trusted
today do not have
over the corporations
the power that they had
and the leverage they
had 50 or 60years ago.
And thatÂ’s a major change.
So governments have
become powerless
compared to what
they were before.
Capitalism today commands
the towering heights
and has displaced
politics and politicians
as the new high priests
and reigning
oligarchs of our system.
So capitalism and its principle
protagonists and players
corporate CEOs
have been accorded unusual
power and access.
This is not to deny the
significance of government
and politicians
but these are
the new high priests.
I was invited to
Washington D. C. to attend
this meeting that
was being put together
by the National
Security Agency called
the Critical
Thinking Consortium.
I remember standing
there in this room
and looking over
on one side of the room
and we had
the C IA N S A D IA FB I
Customs Secret Service
and then on the other
side of the room we had