the end of the world
this nigh.
And we are all
completely brainwashed
and there is
no space left.
And I dont believe
we're there yet.
And l think it's
really important
that we dont
overstate the case
and that we admit that
there are cracks
and fissures in all of these
corporate structures.
And sometimes when
a corporation is concentrating
on one particular project
they look the other way
and all kinds of interesting
things happen in the corner.
It is the case in every period
of history where injustice
based on falsehoods
based on taking away the right
and freedoms of people
to live and survive
with dignity
that eventually when you call
a bluff the tables turn.
Ultimately capital puts
its foot down somewhere.
And anywhere
it puts its foot down
it can be held
Originally Wal-Mart and
Kathy Lee Gifford had said
why should we believe you that
children work in this factory?
What we didnt tell them
was that Wendy Dias
in the centre of the
picture was on a plane
to the United States.
This is Wendy Dias.
She comes
to the United States.
Shes unstoppable.
Congress heard testimony
today from children who
testified they were exploited
by sweatshops overseas.
Kathy Lee Gifford
apologized to Wendy Dias
It was the most
amazing thing Id seen.
This powerful celebrity
leans over and says
Wendy please believe me
I didnt know these
conditions existed.
And now that I do Im
going to work with you.
Im going to work
with these other people
and it'll never
happen again.
And that night we signed
an agreement
with Kathy Lee Gifford.
I thought it would be
a relatively easy process
and it isnt.
As for every question
I have there seem to be
five questions that
come back tome.