We return 63 minutes into
the second half as Manchester United...
...looks to put the game out of reach.
Let's get back to our commentator...
...Donald MacFarland.
What? Yeah.
-I just cIosed my eyes for a sec, man.
The baby kept us awake aII night.
-And still.
Dennis? NOMAD buoy 431 1 is showing
a temperature drop of 1 3 degrees.
-Yeah? Where is 431 1 ?
-WeII, it's. . . .
-Georges Bank.
-It's rough seas out there.
Must have knocked it about.
Kick that bIoody baII. Come on!
Come on, kick it now. Kick it!
-Kick it!
-Are the Iads winning?
HeIIo, professor. How was India?
Oh, you know what these
scientific gatherings are.
AII dancing girIs, wine and parties.