The Day After Tomorrow

I know.
I Iove you.
I Iove you too.
Hey, heIIo. Bye-bye.
The cause of this extreme weather
remains a mystery...

...although some meteorologists
believe sunspots are to blame.

-Hundreds are missing....
-This is very odd.

There's a buoy registering
a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature.

Oh, yeah, that's right.
That buoy maIfunctioned the other day.

I'II see if there are ships near
Georges Bank to get it.

This buoy isn't in Georges Bank.
It's just off GreenIand.

-What are the odds of two buoys faiIing?

Make that three.
Just another typicaI day in New York
City. Traffic jam, 1 0 bIocks Iong.

Look here, Buddha. These peopIe,
and their cars, and their exhaust. . .

. . .and they're poIIuting the atmosphere.
Excuse me, sir. We're reaIIy Iate.
We're aImost there.
-We're onIy two bIocks away.
-Let's waIk.

What's gotten into them?
I have no idea.
They're aII worked up today.

In 1 532, Spanish conquistador
Francisco Pizarro. . .
